Tactical Athletes

Do your police officers get back pain from the belt and long hours in the car?

Do your fire fighters get injured in backs, knees, neck, and shoulders due to unpredictable circumstances on the job with equipment?

How long has it been since your team members passed the physical performance tests for these occupations? Do they really have the metabolic (cardiovascular) health to perform at the levels they were tested at?

Nurses, Emergency Medical Teams? Long hours on your feet. Moving patients?

Do all of these folks suffer from anxiety, depression, or simple stress overload due to the needs of the job?

Tactical Strength and Conditioning’ is a term used for the use of specific training for police, fire, medical and military occupations. Injury resilience and living pain free as well as physical performance are imperative in these occupations.


Benefits to Medically Oriented Strength and Conditioning for the Tactical Occupations

  • Better physical condition relates heavily to mental stress

  • The public sees a competent and capable representative

  • Better physical performance in life saving situations

  • Lower insurance costs, workers’ comp claims