
Personal Training

Results Driven. Focused. Transformative. Powerful.


Accurate assessment of a client’s condition is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the process.

First, we carry out a detailed movement screen to assess your areas of need for correction and development in relation to mobility.

Then, we utilize screens for ALL other areas of health and performance for an extremely customized approach to becoming pain free and injury resilient with our Medical Exercise approach.

Restorative and Functional Strength and Conditioning:

Whether you are a competitive athlete, recreational athlete, or just someone wanting to maintain or gain a physical life, the principles of strength and conditioning are the bread and butter concepts of our programs for building a stronger YOU.

We work in the zones of development that truly impact YOUR life and activities!!!

Injury Prevention: The MAIN goal of any strength and conditioning/training program should be to create injury resilience in the student/athlete.

We do this through creating a balance between strength, mobility, and coordination patterns along with our focus on behavior and cardio-metabolic conditioning.

Our approach:

In one on one physical sessions, we spend our time in 2 areas:

  • Integrated manual therapy and

  • Restorative/Functional Strength Coaching

In sessions, our focus is on the skill of perfecting the technique over and above practicing hard exercise so that...

The student then is able to perform practice by carrying out the program independently utilizing the techniques as the program dictates. Our app with video instruction is available for use in this area.

In our online sessions, we spend the time on:

  • Cardio-metabolic programming and program adherence

  • Prescriptive Activity and program assignments

  • Nutrition

  • Active Behavior modification

We come to you?

Your busy lifestyle making it difficult to make it to appointments? It is common.

Make sure to ask about our home/work/ location independent option.